Code of Ethics


We, engaged as accredited members of the consumer reporting and credit profession and charged with the responsibility of providing services as a consumer reporting agency within the law, subscribe to the concept that it is our duty to provide such services with competence and integrity and with an acknowledgement that we have a responsibility to all parties that may be involved in the course of pursuing such occupation. In the course of conducting our business we will:

  • Be well informed as to the current conditions in the areas of consumer, tenant reporting and credit rating.
  • Observe at all times our responsibilities to all concerned under the law by custom and ethical concept.
  • Protect and safeguard, insofar as we are able, the rights, privileges and confidential character of all and any information and data secured whether as a result of our investigation, contract, exchange or other forms of cooperation.
  • Use information received providing services only in connection with our published service.
  • Not be a party to unjust or fraudulent reporting and or credit practices and subscribe to the exposure of such practices.
  • Pursue the advancement and improvement of the Consumer Reporting and Credit profession at all times.
  • So conduct our affairs as to avoid undue or unnecessary controversies or contentious activities.
  • Support the continued improvement of the education and proficiency of the profession.

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